As we enter a new era of innovation and service, it is more important than ever to recognize the power of partnership and collaboration. In this issue of PARTNERS in community, we explore new ways of activating our North Star through investments and community engagement. This issue is packed with stories of people who are working together and making a difference. So come join us on this journey of discovery, and let's celebrate the power of partnership in a new century. Read the entire magazine here.

Developing a Giving Strategy Through a Donor Advised Fund
Meredith Fennema and Joshua Hiemstra were born and raised in Grand Rapids and are eager to find ways to give back to this community. As entrepreneurs in an exciting phase of their business and personal lives, a Donor Advised fund is a great strategy for their philanthropic goals. Read more about Meredith and Joshua and their thoughtful prioritization of giving back. Click here to read.

Identity Based Funds: Engagement to grantmaking and beyond!
Over the last year, the volunteer advisory committees for Black Legacy, Somos Comunidad and Our LGBTQ funds have been listening to community and using that input to reshape each of their respective grant priorities and processes. Click here to see the timeline, key themes and results of their recent grant awards.

A Client-Centered Approach to Transformative Change
Puertas Abiertas is a local nonprofit creating transformative change in Kent County by offering culturally-specific mental health support for Latinx women, men and their families, who are survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking and/or sexual abuse. Read an interview with Andrea Inostroza, Puertas Abiertas’ executive director, to explore its client-centered approach. Click here to read.

Applying our North Star to our Investment Strategy
For the Community Foundation, it is a point of pride that our partners trust us to invest their gifts. We take seriously our responsibility to manage the endowment and funds to benefit community today and tomorrow. Click here to read about recent successes and shifts to create greater alignment with how we manage our investments and our North Star.
The spring issue of PARTNERS in community also includes:
- A letter from Diana Sieger, president, discussing her upcoming retiremen
- Grant partnerships from our Fund for Community Good and Field of Interest fund
- An announcement of a new trustee
- A reminder to complete the demographic survey sent to donor and volunteer partners
- And more!
View this issue of PARTNERS in community and many previous ones at