Scholarship Fund Details
Support for West Michigan Students
Attending college or trade school increases opportunity and opens doors to careers. Donor partners who establish a scholarship fund give students a boost on their path to higher education. Students who complete the general scholarship application are considered for these scholarships.
Aim High Jerry Clay Scholarship
Open to full time students who are residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, or Ottawa Counties, attending GRCC or Ferris to study Welding or Welding Technology.
Altrusa International of Grand Rapids Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Allegan, Kent, Ionia, Muskegon, Montcalm, or Ottawa Counties, and are returning to college or entering college after being out of school for at least two years. Must provide two letters of recommendation.
Armando "Frank" Quaglia Veteran's Scholarship
Open to full time graduate students or third year or higher undergraduates who are residents of Kent or Ionia County, attending a four-year college studying healthcare or engineering with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference for veterans or immediate family members of veterans.
Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids Minority Scholarship
Open to full time undergraduate students of color who are residents of Kent County, attending college in the state of Michigan, majoring in Visual or Performing Arts, with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Audrey L. Wright Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are 3+ year residents of Kent County who will study education or languages and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Black Men Building Resources Scholarship
Open to undergraduates students who are residents of Kent County who identify as African-American.
Bob and Aileen Elliott Scholarship Fund
Open to second year, full time undergraduate students who are graduates of GR University Prep High School and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Bob Zylstra STEM Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who identify as female or as students of color, are residents of Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, or Ottawa counties and enrolled in a STEM major.
Camilla C. Johnson Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Union HS with a minimum 2.6 GPA and enrolled full time.
Carolyn Gallmeyer Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County.
Chad Vollmer Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Innovation Central HS and planning to attend GRCC with a minimum 2.3 GPA.
Christine Soper Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Dave & Laurie Russell Family Scholarship for Habitat for Humanity of Kent County Families
Open to students who are Habitat for Humanity of Kent County homeowners or immediate family members of Habitat for Humanity of Kent County homeowners.
Achille & Irene Despres, William & Andre Scholarship
Open to high school seniors who are residents of Kent or Ottawa counties, attending college in the state of Michigan and who are of Mexican heritage, with a minimum 2.75 GPA.
Donald & Florence Hunting Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Rockford High School.
Donald M. Wells Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are graduates of Innovation Central HS attending U-M, GRCC, or University of Chicago.
Dorothy J. Thurston Graduate Scholarship
Open to graduate students who are 2+ year residents of Kent County attending college in the state of Michigan and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Dorothy B. & Charles E. Thomas Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Dr. Jack & Katy Lukens Family Scholarship
Open to full time students who are residents of Kent county and graduates of a GRPS high school studying healthcare with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference for Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Dr. Noyes L. Avery, Jr. & Ann E. Avery Scholarship
Open to full time, third year or higher undergraduate or graduate students who are 3+ year residents of Kent County, attending University of Michigan to study pre-medicine or medical doctor, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Dr. Richard Woltersom STEM Scholarship
Open to full time, third-year or higher undergraduate students who are 2+ year residents of Kent County enrolled in a STEM major.
Dr. William E. & Norma Sprague Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Ottawa counties or Athens County, Ohio, attending Ohio University full time with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Economic Club of Grand Rapids Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are residents of Kent or Ottawa counties who are studying business.
Edwin E. Doyle Scholarship
Student is a high school senior at Lowell High School with financial need and a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applications are available at the Lowell High School website and due February 14. Questions, contact the Lowell High School Student Services Center at 616.987.2908.
Elmo Wierenga Ottawa Hills Alumni Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Ottawa Hills HS with a minimum 2.5 GPA and will enroll full time. Interview required.
Englehardt Scholarship
Student is a senior attending Lowell High School (no residency limitation) or senior is attending any public, private, charter, or home-based school and resides in the City of Lowell, Township of Lowell, or Township of Vergennes who will be a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited school. Must have financial need and a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applications are available at the Lowell High School website and due February 14. Questions, contact the Lowell High School Student Services Center at 616.987.2908.
Folds Grand Rapids Scholarship
Open to full time undergraduate students who are residents of Kent County, and are a child of a veteran of first responder who was killed or disabled while on duty.
Fred, Miriam, Bob and Fritz Briscoe Scholarship
Open to full time students who are residents of Kent or Ottawa counties attending CMU, MSU, NMU, or Muskegon Community College and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
FredK Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from City High school and attending University of Michigan-Ann Arbor full time. The scholarship is for room and board only.
Geraldine Geistert Boss Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Gladys Snauble Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Cedar Springs High School.
Grand Rapids Chamber ATHENA Eileen DeVries Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who identify as female and who are over age 29, who will attend either GRCC, GVSU, Calvin, Aquinas, Davenport, Cornerstone, or Kuyper and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Grand Rapids Scholarship Association
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Grand Rapids University Prep Founders' Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from GR University Prep with a minimum 2.5 GPA who will enroll full time.
Guy D. & Mary Edith Halladay Scholarship
Open to graduate students, with a preference for those studying music.
Hackett Family Scholarship
Open to students of color who identify as female, are graduates of any Grand Rapids Public Schools, Grandville, Godfrey Lee, Godwin, Kelloggsville, East Kentwood, or Wyoming high schools, with a minimum 2.0 GPA and who will enroll full time.
Harry and Lucille Brown Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Harry J. Morris, Jr. Emergency Services
Open to students who are residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, or Ottawa County attending a college in the state of Michigan studying Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic, or Firefighter with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Hill Machinery Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students attending a college in the state of Michigan who are studying technology-related fields with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Horning Marshall University of Michigan Scholarship
Open to full time undergraduate students who are residents of the City of Grand Rapids, attending University of Michigan and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Jack Family Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Jacob R. & Mary M. VanLoo & Lenore K. VanLoo Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are residents of Kent County.
John M. and Alicent Epps Jasperse Scholarship
Open to residents of Kent County for 2+ years, attending Grand Rapids Community College with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
John T. & Frances J. Maghielse Scholarship
Open to full time, second year or higher undergraduate students who are residents of Kent County and are graduates of a Grand Rapids Public Schools high school attending a college in the state of Michigan studying education and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Josephine Ringold Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Joshua Esch Mitchell Aviation Scholarship
Open to first year undergraduate students who graduated from West Michigan Aviation Academy, or second year undergraduates from any high school, studying Aviation/Flight Science and have a pilots license, with a minimum 2.75 GPA. A letter of recommendation is required.
Keith C. VanderHyde Scholarship
Open to full time undergraduate students who are graduates of Ottawa Hills High School and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Kenneth E. & Shirley J. Morris Scholarship
Open to second year or higher undergraduate or graduate students who are residents of Ionia County studying Nursing and with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Kenneth Vonk Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Ladies Literary Club Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, or Ottawa counties, attending college in the state of Michigan studying writing, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Lavina Laible Scholarship
Open to students who identify as female who are attending University of Michigan.
Llewellyn L. Cayvan String Instrument Scholarship
Open to students studying music with concentration in viola, violin, violincello, or bass viol.
Lobbestael Frederick Family Scholarship
Open to graduate students who are residents of Kent County, attending Grand Valley State University or Calvin University to pursue an MBA or MPA, with a minimum 3.3 GPA. Preference to students of color and students who identify as female.
Margery J. Seeger Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Mathilda & Carolyn Gallmeyer Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County for 5+ years, studying fine arts and with a minimum 2.75 GPA.
Melbourne & Alice E. Frontjes Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County for 3+ years, attending CMU, WMU, GRCC, MSU or U-M and with a minimum 2.75 GPA.
Michael J. Wolf Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from a high school in the city of Grand Rapids and residents of the City of Grand Rapids, attending University of Michigan full time, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Mildred E. Troske Music Scholarship
Open to students studying music education.
Miller Johnson Michigan Diversity Law School Scholarship
Students of color accepted to or presently attending an accredited law school within the US with a permanent residence in Michigan or attending a Michigan law school. Must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Nika Marie Social Impact Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County and studying science, technology, engineering, math or arts.
Northouse Nursing Scholarship
Open to full time, second year or higher undergraduate students who are residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Ottawa County attending college in the state of Michigan pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference for students of color.
Norm & Marilyn Leven Challenge Scholars Scholarship
Preference for Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Olson Family Scholarship
Open to full time undergraduate students who are graduates of Comstock Park, Kenowa Hills, or Northview and residents of Kent or Ottawa County attending college in the state of Michigan with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Orrie & Dorothy Cassada Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Paul Collins Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are residents of Kent County who will study visual or performing arts and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Peggy (Kommer) Novosad Scholarship
Open to full time graduate students who are residents of Kent County for 2+ years, attending college in the state of Michigan studying business or law, with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Preference for students attending or graduates of MSU or GVSU.
Pullen/Lambers Family Memorial Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Wyoming High School or Muskegon High School, studying education and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Reach for Your Goal Scholarship
Open to students who are Kent County residents attending college in the state of Michigan and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Robert L. & Hilda Treasure Mitchell Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Scholarship
Open to full time students who are graduates of South Christian High School studying education, business or healthcare and with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Ronald T. Smith Family Scholarship
Open to students who are employees or immediate family members of employees of Bodycote plants in Grand Rapids/Wyoming or Holland with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Rosemary Cook Education Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from a Grand Rapids Public Schools high school attending college in the state of Michigan full time, majoring in education and with a minimum 2.75 GPA.
Sherman L. & Mabel C. Lepard Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Stephen Lankester Scholarship
Open to students who are residents of Kent County. Preference to Challenge Scholar students through 2032.
Thomas D. Coffield Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from Innovation Central High School with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and who will attend college full time.
TowerPinkster Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from a Michigan public high school, studying architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, or structural engineering with a minimum 3.25 GPA.
U-M Alumnae Club (University of Michigan) Scholarships
Open to second year or higher undergraduate or graduate students who identify as female, are 3+ year residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, or Ottawa counties, and attending University of Michigan and with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Scholarships include the Gretchen Slack Appelt and Doris Ann Slack, Margaret Appelt Kerr, Meta Prange Murphy/Lucille Prange, and Rosemary Scott scholarships.
Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are 2+ year residents of Kent or Ottawa counties attending college in the state of Michigan studying healthcare, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Virginia Valk Fehsenfeld Scholarship
Open to full time undergraduate students who are Kent County residents studying education, dietetics, nutrition, or human services and have a minimum 3.4 GPA.
Vivian M. Kommer Scholarship
Open to high school seniors graduating from West Catholic High School, studying business or law and enrolled full time.
Walter C. Winchester Scholarship
Open to undergraduate students who are graduates of a Grand Rapids Public High School with a minimum 3.3 GPA.
West Michigan Financial Services Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Student is a resident of Kent or contiguous counties pursuing a full-time undergraduate (third-year or above) or graduate degree as a business/financial major at a Michigan public or private college/university. Must demonstrate financial need and have a 3.0 GPA. Open to third year or higher undergraduate or graduate students who are residents of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Ottawa County, attending college in the state of Michigan studying finance, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Are you a student?
Each year, the Community Foundation awards scholarships to hundreds of students pursuing higher education. Learn more about applying for scholarships.
Learn more about how the Community Foundation uses scholarships, grantmaking, advocacy and partnerships to provide all students the opportunities they deserve.