General Application

A Boost on Your Path Through College

Completing one online application puts you in the running for hundreds of scholarship awards for college or graduate school. The majority of scholarships are for students who are from West Michigan and/or are attending school in Michigan. Read more about what is needed to complete the application and reach out to our team if you have questions. The General Scholarship application opens December 1 and closes March 1 each year.

How to Apply: Easy as 1-2-3

Application Process

  1. 1 Gather Your Information

    You will need financial information, a snapshot of your education history and a personal essay to complete your application. Start by completing the FAFSA or FAFSA Student Aid Estimator. Find your most recent transcript or grade report and prepare your personal statement.

  2. 2 Get Logged In

    Create your account in GoApply, making sure to use an email you check regularly and will have access to for the next year.

  3. 3 Submit your Application!

    We'll take the information you entered and see which Community Foundation scholarships you qualify for. With one application, you'll be in the running for the $1+ million we award. Apply between December 1 and March 1.

Student Resources

Our scholarships are designed for students like you

The Community Foundation's scholarship program primarily supports students who are the first in their family to attend college, have financial need and are students of color. Hear advice and stories of success from local students who were recently awarded scholarships.

Anabel S. Open modal

My favorite thing about my college has been finding my place and becoming confident within the different communities I've joined. –Anabel S.

William S. Open modal

I pondered about going to college at first. I was in a trade making money, but have not looked back. I have so much fun because I love what I learn about. As a first-generation college student, I push for everyone to get some type of education. –William S

Annika J. Open modal

In my first psychological study I'm exploring how perceptions of childhood experiences and relationships change as you come to asking a series of questions about childhood, current relationships and stress levels. –Annika J.

Brooke G. Open modal

This year has been a big step toward becoming a lawyer. My faith and my mom’s support kept me focused on my goals and reminded me not to limit myself. I’m really excited about what’s next! –Brooke G.