Equitable Outcomes
We invest in culturally effective solutions that lead to equitable health outcomes and well-being.
Recent Grants From This Area
Friends with Disabilities
Jan. 2025
Friends with Disabilities’ Building Connections program fosters social inclusion and community engagement for individuals with physical disabilities in Grand Rapids. This funding will help provide accessible social, cultural, and recreational programs aimed at reducing isolation and strengthening relationships. Through initiatives like adaptive sports, art workshops, and community events, Friends with Disabilities is creating a more inclusive and connected community. This grant was made possible by the Arthur H. Holmes Fund.
United Methodist Community House
Feb. 2025
Supporting United Methodist Community House’s mission of strengthening communities across generations, this funding will help expand its senior programming, enhance operations, and support the development of a new state-of-the-art senior center in Grand Rapids. With over 120 years of service, UMCH continues to provide critical resources for older adults, addressing health, social, and economic disparities. This grant was made possible by the Lucy E. Barnett Trust Fund for the Elderly.
Family Outreach Center
May. 2024
Family Outreach Center's mission is to build stronger families by providing high-quality behavioral health services, regardless of ability to pay, focusing on low-income, underinsured and uninsured families and children. This grant will allow Family Outreach Center to hire diverse clinicians, increasing access to culturally responsive behavioral health services for people of color and underserved populations.
Grand Rapids African American Health Institute
May. 2024
Grand Rapids African American Health Institute works to eliminate racial and ethnic inequities at the health systems and community levels. The grant will allow them to reach and better serve African American communities, increase staff capacity, financial stability, and operational efficiency by adding a fund development director and human resource consultant.
Our Mental Health Collective
Feb. 2024
Our Mental Health Collective, previously known as Mental Health Clinicians of Color in Grand Rapids, connects individuals and families of color with culturally responsive and affirming mental health providers of color. This grant will help the organization grow, form a staff structure and expand their directory, community advocacy committee and programming for clinicians.
Oct. 2023
This grant is a continuation of support for FitKids360’s transition to becoming an independent nonprofit organization. FitKids360 is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children. This grant was made possible by the Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Fund for Healthcare and Community Health and the William H. and Inetta P. Martindill Fund.
The Deborah House
Sep. 2023
The Deborah House is a safe haven for single, pregnant mothers and their children. They provide housing for young mothers while they receive encouragement, social support, and mentoring. This grant supports health equity, well-being, and stability for women and children, particularly women of color, in Greater Grand Rapids.
Mental Health Clinicians of Color in Grand Rapids
Mar. 2023
Mental Health Clinicians of Color in Grand Rapids helps our community by providing space to belong through BIPOC therapists and providers. This grant will help improve the user experience of individuals seeking culturally competent mental health services, and expand memberships to health professionals, students and provider networks. Made possible by Bruce Alexis Cornelius Memorial Fund for Mental Health Agencies; Emma Sherwood Evans Disbursing Account; Fund for Health; Elizabeth Steed Johnson Fund for Healthcare and Community Health.
Our Kitchen Table
Mar. 2023
This grant will help support Our Kitchen Table, promote social justice and empower our neighbors to improve their health and environment through information, community organizing, and advocacy. The organization works with low-income Black families to improve health outcomes and reduce food insecurity by teaching them about nutrition and home gardening techniques. Made possible by Gordon and Janet Moeller Food Security Fund.
Grand Rapids African American Health Institute
Nov. 2022
This grant supports I Belong Strong, a new program from Grand Rapids African American Health Institute to provide resources supporting culturally competent mental health services to Black veterans in Kent County who are recovering from mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This partnership was made possible by the Cecilia Hoagland Fund for Local Veterans.
Hero's Corner
Nov. 2022
This grant provides operating support of their drop-in program for veterans, which provides mental health services, resource navigation, social engagements and fellowship, addiction resources, and sober self-help avenues. This partnership was made possible by the Cecilia Hoagland Fund for Local Veterans.
Puertas Abiertas
Nov. 2022
Puertas Abiertas provides culturally specific mental health support for Latinx women and their families, who are survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and/or sexual abuse.
Aim to Inspire
Oct. 2022
General support. This partnership was made possible by the Arthur H. Holmes Handicap Fund.
United Methodist Community House
Oct. 2022
To provide culturally effective solutions for older adults experiencing depression, isolation, and chronic health care issues through programming, transportation, meals, health services, and enrichment activities. This partnership was made possible by the Lucy E. Barnett Trust for the Elderly.
Grand Rapids African American Health Institute
Aug. 2022
Juneteenth Community Blood Drive.
Grand Rapids Urban League
Aug. 2022
To support participants in Cure Violence, a program focused on violence interruption and reduction.
Hispanic Center of Western Michigan
Jun. 2022
This grant supports language interpretation services for mental health providers and clients.
Realism is Loyalty
Jun. 2022
The Each One Teach One program is an intensive mentoring program focusing on parent engagement for youth returning to the community from residential placement, jail, or prison. This program supports youth with culturally appropriate mental health and mentoring services by pairing them with an adult advocate with similar lived experiences to help navigate their psychosocial development, economic realities, and self-discipline.
Mental Health Clinicians of Color Grand Rapids
Apr. 2022
To offer additional community healing sessions for processing trauma and loss in collaboration with the Black Impact Collaborative.
African Resource Center of West Michigan
Apr. 2022
To facilitate the discussion and awareness of trauma and its various symptoms and to provide human and material resources for families to address unresolved trauma.
Grand Rapids Pride Center
Apr. 2022
Support for the Therapy Assistance Fund, implementation of listening sessions to develop strategic goals and increasing staff capacity.
Health Net of West Michigan
Feb. 2022
Supporting FitKids360's transition to becoming an independent nonprofit organization, which will expand their programmatic and organizational capacity. This partnership was made possible by the Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Fund for Healthcare and Community Health.
Community Food Clubs
Jun. 2021
To ensure access to healthy food and consumer choice in grocery options. This partnership was made possible by the Armand F. Gretchen B. Burch Fund.
Grand Rapids African American Health Institute
Jun. 2021
Enhance the organizational capacity and full potential for sustainability while meeting the needs of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. This partnership was made possible by the Kent County COVID-19 Recovery Fund and Fund for Community Good.
Our Kitchen Table
Jun. 2021
For the Southeast Farmer’s Market. This partnership was made possible by the Armand F. and Gretchen B. Burch Fund and the Gordon and Janet Moeller Food Security Fund.
Puertas Abiertas
Jun. 2021
Supporting a comprehensive program for Latina women and their families by providing culturally competent advocacy and services. This partnership was made possible by the Fund for Health, Emma Sherwood Evans Disbursing Account, and Fund for Community Good.
Roosevelt Park Neighborhood Association
Jun. 2021
To support the Cesar Chavez Farmer’s Market. This partnership was possible by the Gordon and Janet Moeller Food Security Fund.